Search Blog

Looking Back (2020)

A look back at the local history stories and resources shared by the La Crosse Public Library Archives in 2020.
Archives staff/volunteers/guest historians put together a lot of great blog posts in 2020; please take a moment to check out these local history topics and digital resources avail…

How Does COVID-19 Affect You?

In an attempt to capture the current atmosphere in La Crosse during the ongoing public health crisis, the LPLA is asking you to share your stories and add your voice to our historical record.
(written by Jenny DeRocher, Archives staff) The La Crosse Public Library Archives & Local History Department (LPLA) actively collects papers, records, photographs, and materi…

11 La Crosse History & Genealogy Resources You Can Use from Home

Here is a guide to using our website to access digitized materials, subscription databases, and other free resources.
(written by Jenny DeRocher, Archives staff) Sad the Archives Department is closed? No worries, we’ve got you covered. Here is a guide to using our website to access digitized m…

Spring 2020 Genealogy on the Internet classes

Looking for information about your family history?
(written by Megan, Archives staff) Looking for information about your family history?  Archives staff is teaching computer classes in March.  See below for details, and please …

Looking Back (2019)

A look back at the stories we told in 2019.
Archives staff/interns put together a lot of great blog posts in 2019; please take a moment to check out these local history topics explored by clicking on the blog titles or phot…

Man-Lay Garden: The Miracle on Main Street

Spearheaded by the Chamber of Commerce’s new member Richard Morse in 1966, the “La Crosse Beautiful Committee” took on “The Hole at 4th and Main” to beautify the spot.
(written by Anita Taylor Doering, Archives staff) German immigrant George Linker and two of his brothers joined forces to purchase lots at 324-328 Main Street, the burned-out r…

LPL Archives' Hidden Treasures: La Crosse Tribune Articles

Have you ever wanted to re-read a La Crosse Tribune article from years ago?
(Video produced by Carla Swerman, Anita Taylor Doering, and Scott Brouwer, Archives staff; blog written by Swerman) Have you ever wanted to re-read a La Crosse Tribune article …

2018 Dark La Crosse Show

A new production of the popular Dark La Crosse Show will open at the Pump House Regional Arts Center on November 9, 2018.
(written by Scott Brouwer, Archives staff)     WHAT:  The Dark La Crosse Show WHERE: Pump House Regional Arts Center, 119 King Street WHEN: November 9-10 & …

Fall 2018 Genealogy on the Internet classes

Looking for information about your family history?
(written by Megan, Archives staff) Looking for information about your family history? Archives staff is celebrating Archives month by teaching computer classes in October. See …

130 Years of Library Service

In celebration of its 130th anniversary, learn how the La Crosse Public Library came to be.
(written by Anita Taylor Doering, Archives staff) The original library building was located in the same spot as today, at the SE corner of Main and 8th Streets, ca. 1900 …

Looking Back ('17) - Looking Ahead ('18)

A look back at the stories we told in 2017, and a look ahead at the programs planned for 2018.
(written by Scott Brouwer, Archives staff) Archives staff put together alot of great blog posts in 2017, so before looking ahead to the 2018 program schedule, please take a mom…

ECHO: Exploring Cultural History Online

The Winding Rivers Library System has expanded access to unique history materials in local libraries by developing a regional online collection of visual images (photographs and postcards) representing western Wisconsin history and culture.
(written by Anita Taylor Doering, Archives Staff) The Winding Rivers Library System has expanded access to unique history materials in local libraries by developing a regional …


