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This Will Floor You

A pattern book from the Congoleum Nairn company dated 1927 and used by the O. J. Oyen company has recently been donated to the La Crosse Public Library Archives, providing a wonderful insight into floor coverings and people's preferences almost a century …
(written by Dr. Les Crocker, Emeritus Professor of Art History) A pattern book from the Congoleum Nairn company dated 1927 and used by the O. J. Oyen company has recently been do…

Keep Your Family Healthy... with Beer

After passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act in 1906, local breweries began to advertise around the healthiness or “purity” of their products.
(written by Jenny DeRocher, Archives staff) When President Teddy Roosevelt signed the 1906 Pure Food and Drug Act, it was in response to the national outcry at unsanitary pract…


