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The Candy Kid: La Crosse's Own Ed Konetchy

La Crosse native Edward Konetchy was best known in major league baseball by his moniker as "Koney."
(written by Anita Taylor Doering, Archives Staff)  A postcard of first baseman Edward John Konetchy in his St. Louis Cardinal uniform, 1908 Known by various nicknames,…

Looking Back ('17) - Looking Ahead ('18)

A look back at the stories we told in 2017, and a look ahead at the programs planned for 2018.
(written by Scott Brouwer, Archives staff) Archives staff put together alot of great blog posts in 2017, so before looking ahead to the 2018 program schedule, please take a mom…

Walter "Babe" Weigent

Coach Weigent's high expectations as well as his encouragement to “Get in the game [of life]!” helped him instill character while re-establishing a golden era of football for the Central Red Raiders.
(written by Carla Swerman, Archives staff) For most coaches, the foremost goal is to win. But, for legendary coaches, such as John Wooden or Vince Lombardi, building character …

La Crosse Took to the Ice

For 150 years and more, people of La Crosse have been going outside in winter to ice skate.
(written by David Kranz, Archives staff) For 150 years and more, people of La Crosse have been going outside in winter to ice skate. An 1859 La Crosse newspaper reported that i…

Local Resident Makes Olympic History

Did you know that the first African-American to win a medal at the modern Olympic games was from La Crosse?
(written by Megan of the Archives staff) Did you know that the first African-American to win a medal at the modern Olympic games was from La Crosse? George Coleman Poage (18…

La Crosse's 'Mr. Baseball'

“Boober” Parizek may not be a name familiar to baseball fans in La Crosse today, but for a generation of American Legion players in the 1960s and '70s, he was “Mr. Baseball.”
(written by Scott Brouwer, Archives Staff) “Boober” Parizek may not be a name familiar to baseball fans in La Crosse today, but for a generation of American Legion players in …

Early La Crosse Major Leaguer

Probably the best baseball player ever to call La Crosse home was Edward Konetchy.
(written by Bill Petersen, Archives Staff) Probably the best baseball player ever to call La Crosse home was Edward Konetchy, whose major league baseball career lasted from 190…

Boxing Greats of La Crosse

At one time, boxing was a big sport in La Crosse.
(written by Bill Petersen, Archives Staff) At one time, boxing was a big sport in La Crosse. In 1948, a Golden Gloves district tournament was held in La Crosse and no fewer tha…


