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Sundown Towns and La Crosse

Have you wondered about La Crosse’s 2016 sundown town designation? This blog guides you through the primary sources that provide evidence for local anti-Black discrimination, and the original research that led to the proclamation that La Crosse is a sundo…
(written by Jenny DeRocher, Archives staff) CONTENT WARNING: This blog post contains primary source images that use anti-Black language.  In 2016, Mayor Tim Kabat si…

1947 Racial Discrimination Lawsuit Against Hotel Stoddard

In 1946, Black delegates traveled to La Crosse from all over the Midwest to attend a labor union conference. They stayed at the Stoddard Hotel, where they experienced racial discrimination. In a 1947 court case, one of these Black delegates, James Tate, w…
(written by Jenny DeRocher, Archives staff) In 1946, the United Automobile, Aircraft, and Agricultural Implement Workers of America Local Union 395 (UAW-CIO Union #395) held th…


