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John Gund's Empire

In 1853, La Crosse had yet to become incorporated and did not yet have a brewery. John Gund likely saw the opportunity to support his family and use his work experience to his advantage.
(written by Sarah Ludington, Archives staff) 1873 City directory advertisement Johannes Gund arrived in New York City, from Germany in 1848, just eighteen and with a b…

Keep Your Family Healthy... with Beer

After passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act in 1906, local breweries began to advertise around the healthiness or “purity” of their products.
(written by Jenny DeRocher, Archives staff) When President Teddy Roosevelt signed the 1906 Pure Food and Drug Act, it was in response to the national outcry at unsanitary pract…

Looking Back at 1969

Even as it was happening, 1969 was recognized as a seminal year in American history and that has only become more true as we’ve gotten farther away from it.
 (written by Scott Brouwer, Archives staff) Even as it was happening, 1969 was recognized as a seminal year in American history and that has only become more true as we’ve gott…

Refreshing Beverage, Anyone?

We have antique bottles from some of La Crosse’s breweries and soda bottling companies on display through July 2014 at the LPL Archives.
(written by David Kranz, Archives Staff) La Crosse has a rich history of brewing – more than 15 breweries have tried to make a go of it here since the mid-1850s, some achieving…


