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Myrick Park: A Hidden Gem

Established in 1903 as one of the first public parks in the region, Myrick Park is a vibrant testament to the harmonious coexistence between urban life and natural beauty.
(written by Sam Steingraeber, Archives volunteer) Myrick Park is a vibrant testament to the harmonious coexistence between urban life and natural beauty. Established in 190…

The Fishy Story of Riverside Park's North End

By the fall of 1919, the U. S. Bureau of Fisheries committed funds to moving the regional headquarters from Homer, Minnesota [known as the Winona station], to La Crosse and building a modern fish hatchery and rescue station.
Written by Anita Taylor Doering, Archives staff  La Crosse Tribune, June 27, 1924, page 34  Many local conservationists and fishermen lobbied the federal government to…

The Cannon in Riverside Park

Today, the cannon serves as a multi-war memorial, but where did it come from and why is it in Riverside Park?
Written by Sam Ott and Jenny DeRocher, edited by Anita Taylor Doering. The cannon in Riverside Park has been an attraction since it was placed there over 100 years ago. It had a …

Winter Rec-Fest

The first Winter Rec-Fest was held in February 1987.
(written by Megan, Archives staff) The first Winter Rec-Fest was held in February 1987. La Crosse Tribune 25 January 1987 p20 Announced activities included cross …

Looking Back (2019)

A look back at the stories we told in 2019.
Archives staff/interns put together a lot of great blog posts in 2019; please take a moment to check out these local history topics explored by clicking on the blog titles or phot…

'Tis the 25th Season for Rotary Lights

This 2019 holiday season marks the 25th year of the Rotary Lights display in La Crosse's Riverside Park.
(written by Carla Swerman, Archives staff) For many Coulee Region residents, La Crosse’s Rotary Lights has become a holiday tradition.  In fact, the 2019 display marks the 25th…

Man-Lay Garden: The Miracle on Main Street

Spearheaded by the Chamber of Commerce’s new member Richard Morse in 1966, the “La Crosse Beautiful Committee” took on “The Hole at 4th and Main” to beautify the spot.
(written by Anita Taylor Doering, Archives staff) German immigrant George Linker and two of his brothers joined forces to purchase lots at 324-328 Main Street, the burned-out r…

Pettibone Park

Albert and Cordelia Pettibone privately funded, built, maintained and then gifted La Crosse its first large park.
(written by Samuel Ott, Archives intern) It is nearly impossible to measure the impact that Albert W. Pettibone and his wife Cordelia have had upon the city of La Crosse.  They p…

Voices of La Crosse: History Tours

On October 12, join two La Crosse Public Library Archives interns on tours exploring themes in La Crosse history.
(written by Jenny DeRocher, Archives staff) On October 12, join two La Crosse Public Library Archives interns on tours exploring themes in La Crosse history. The Voices of La C…

Looking Back at 1969

Even as it was happening, 1969 was recognized as a seminal year in American history and that has only become more true as we’ve gotten farther away from it.
 (written by Scott Brouwer, Archives staff) Even as it was happening, 1969 was recognized as a seminal year in American history and that has only become more true as we’ve gott…

West Salem's Veterans' Memorial Park

Originally called Waterloo Park, Veterans' Memorial Park was one of three original parks set aside by La Crosse County in 1907.
(written by Anita Taylor Doering, Archives Staff) Photograph thought to have taken by Sander Johnson, courtesy of Reeta Berg Originally called Waterloo Park, Veterans’ Mem…

High Waters in '65

The 145-year-old river gauge measured its highest elevation on April 21, 1965: 17.9 feet!
(written by Carla Swerman, Archives staff) The past three summers, water levels have been high on area waterways.  With the Mississippi River in La Crosse hovering around 10 fee…

Reading the River

While the technology for reading the Mississippi River’s water levels has advanced over time, the equipment itself has stood at almost the very same spot for 145 years.
(written by Carla Swerman, Archives staff) “Few things in life stay the same.” How true! Yet, something that has defied change for 145 years is the river gauge at the south end o…

Walter "Babe" Weigent

Coach Weigent's high expectations as well as his encouragement to “Get in the game [of life]!” helped him instill character while re-establishing a golden era of football for the Central Red Raiders.
(written by Carla Swerman, Archives staff) For most coaches, the foremost goal is to win. But, for legendary coaches, such as John Wooden or Vince Lombardi, building character …

Monkey Business

From the time the Monkey Island was created in 1929 until the city ceased management of the Myrick Park Zoo in 2007, the monkeys were the main attraction and perhaps the thing visitors remembered most.
(written by Barry McKnight, Archives staff) Many longtime La Crosse residents feel nostalgia for the Myrick Park Zoo, in particular the Monkey Island attraction. From the time …

La Crosse Took to the Ice

For 150 years and more, people of La Crosse have been going outside in winter to ice skate.
(written by David Kranz, Archives staff) For 150 years and more, people of La Crosse have been going outside in winter to ice skate. An 1859 La Crosse newspaper reported that i…

Lovely La Crosse Park is Formerly a Public School Site

Weigent Park, the lovely park on Cass Street that enhances the neighborhood with a softball field, tennis courts, playground equipment and green space, was once the site of a public school building.
(written by Megan, Archives Staff) Weigent Park is a lovely park on Cass Street (between 15th and 16th streets) that enhances the neighborhood with a softball field, tennis cou…

Marsh Masque

Nearly one century ago, on a June evening in 1915, a crowd of 1,000 people attended an outdoor pageant at Myrick Park titled “The Masque of Marsh and River.”
(written by David Kranz, Archives Staff) People of La Crosse have long celebrated our area’s natural beauty. Some have been moved to celebrate it in art – in paintings, photos…

1937 - New Pumper Tested at Riverside Park

On what appears to be a beautiful day in July of 1937, several members of the La Crosse Fire Department tested their new pumper truck at Riverside Park.
(written by Scott Brouwer, Archives staff) As I continue to organize, process, and scan a large cache of photographs from the La Crosse Fire Department with the help of other l…

Local Resident Makes Olympic History

Did you know that the first African-American to win a medal at the modern Olympic games was from La Crosse?
(written by Megan of the Archives staff) Did you know that the first African-American to win a medal at the modern Olympic games was from La Crosse? George Coleman Poage (18…


