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Sawmills, Nails and Immigrants

In 1852 the first steam powered sawmill opened in La Crosse. To understand why that was so important to La Crosse we need to connect it to several other facts.
(written by Dr. Les Crocker, retired art history professor and architectural historian) In 1852 the first steam-powered sawmill opened in La Crosse. That's one of those fact…

LPL Archives' Hidden Treasures: Using La Crosse History Unbound

In collaboration with the UWL Murphy Library Special Collections & Area Research Center, the La Crosse Public Library Archives has launched an upgraded version of the La Crosse History Unbound site, which has new resources and features to help researchers…
(written by Jenny DeRocher, Archives staff) La Crosse History Unbound (Unbound) strives to provide universal access to digital resources and primary sources about the La Crosse …

Concrete Block Houses

A look at a local DIY building boom, or at least a "boomlet", using home-made concrete blocks.
(written by Dr. Les Crocker, retired art history professor and architectural historian) Need any Concrete Blocks? There is a long history of DIY (Do It Yourself) in the Unit…

Tracking Down Tribune Articles -- Virtually

If you've ever wanted to find a La Crosse Tribune article, you may find what you are looking for in a unique database created by the Archives Department at the La Crosse Public Library.
(written by Carla Swerman, Archives staff) Have you ever wanted to re-read a sports or crime-related article that you saw in the La Crosse Tribune years ago?  Have you ever had…

11 La Crosse History & Genealogy Resources You Can Use from Home

Here is a guide to using our website to access digitized materials, subscription databases, and other free resources.
(written by Jenny DeRocher, Archives staff) Sad the Archives Department is closed? No worries, we’ve got you covered. Here is a guide to using our website to access digitized m…

Spring 2020 Genealogy on the Internet classes

Looking for information about your family history?
(written by Megan, Archives staff) Looking for information about your family history?  Archives staff is teaching computer classes in March.  See below for details, and please …

Looking Back (2019)

A look back at the stories we told in 2019.
Archives staff/interns put together a lot of great blog posts in 2019; please take a moment to check out these local history topics explored by clicking on the blog titles or phot…

2019 Dark La Crosse Show

The La Crosse Public Library Archives is proud to present a new production of the popular Dark La Crosse Show.
(written by Scott Brouwer, Archives staff)   WHAT:  The Dark La Crosse Show WHERE: Pump House Regional Arts Center, 119 King Street WHEN: November 1-2 & 7-9 at…

Voices of La Crosse: History Tours

On October 12, join two La Crosse Public Library Archives interns on tours exploring themes in La Crosse history.
(written by Jenny DeRocher, Archives staff) On October 12, join two La Crosse Public Library Archives interns on tours exploring themes in La Crosse history. The Voices of La C…

Looking Back at 1969

Even as it was happening, 1969 was recognized as a seminal year in American history and that has only become more true as we’ve gotten farther away from it.
 (written by Scott Brouwer, Archives staff) Even as it was happening, 1969 was recognized as a seminal year in American history and that has only become more true as we’ve gott…

Footsteps Returns!

This May, join Archives staff on four of the revamped Footsteps of La Crosse tours.
(written by Jenny DeRocher, Archives staff) Have you ever wondered… What did Main Street look like at the turn of the 20th century? Were there any historically promi…

LPL Archives' Hidden Treasures: La Crosse Tribune Articles

Have you ever wanted to re-read a La Crosse Tribune article from years ago?
(Video produced by Carla Swerman, Anita Taylor Doering, and Scott Brouwer, Archives staff; blog written by Swerman) Have you ever wanted to re-read a La Crosse Tribune article …

LPL Archives' Hidden Treasures

Even regular patrons of the La Crosse Public Library at 800 Main Street can be uncertain of what the Archives area on the second floor is all about.
(Video produced by Carla Swerman, Anita Taylor Doering, and Scott Brouwer, Archives staff; blog written by Swerman) Even regular patrons of the La Crosse Public Library at 800 …

Brooks' Bloodhounds

George Brooks (1897-1978) was a La Crosse resident who had two jobs: 1) serving ice cream and soda at the Bodega Lunch Club, and 2) training bloodhounds for police investigations.
(Written by Jenny DeRocher, Archives staff) George Brooks (1897-1978) was a La Crosse resident who had two jobs:  1) serving ice cream and soda at the Bodega Lunch Club, …

Looking Back (2018) - Looking Ahead (2019)

A look back at the stories we told in 2018, and a look ahead at the programs planned for 2019.
(written by Scott Brouwer, Archives staff) Archives staff put together alot of great blog posts in 2018, so before looking ahead to the 2019 program schedule, please take a mom…

The Oldest Catholic Church in La Crosse

St. Mary's began as a frame building at what would become the NE corner of 7th St. and Cameron Ave. in 1856.
(written by Megan, Archives staff) In the May 17, 1853 edition of the La Crosse Democrat was a notice that a visiting French missionary priest, Rev. Lucian Glatier, would hold …

Letters Home from World War I

Earlier this fall, the La Crosse Public Library Archives staff found over 60 pages of letters that Sergeant Roy Vingers sent home to his family during his time in service.
(written by Jenny DeRocher, Archives staff) Sergeant Roy L. Vingers, of Company B of the 128th Regiment Infantry (64th Infantry Brigade), was one of the first WWI casualties fr…

Fall 2018 Genealogy on the Internet classes

Looking for information about your family history?
(written by Megan, Archives staff) Looking for information about your family history? Archives staff is celebrating Archives month by teaching computer classes in October. See …

Footsteps of La Crosse Fall 2018 walking and bus tours

Join the La Crosse Public Library Archives for a series of tours highlighting historic and architecturally significant residences and buildings in La Crosse.
(written by Scott Brouwer, Archives staff) Join the La Crosse Public Library Archives for a series of tours highlighting historic and architecturally significant residences and …

How Old is My House?

If you live in the city of La Crosse, the La Crosse Public Library Archives can probably help answer this question.
(written by Megan, Archives staff) If you live in the city of La Crosse, the La Crosse Public Library Archives can probably help answer this question.  The Archives collections i…

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