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Neighbors Making History: Alexander Gordon & An Artistic Jewel

A La Crosse artist painted a copy of an iconic George Washington painting, and it hangs in a downtown La Crosse building because of the generosity of an early La Crosse businessman, Alexander Gordon.
(written by Jeff Rand, retired Adult Services librarian) Before photography, people’s images were captured by artists mainly with sketches or paintings. It is no accident that…

Neighbors Making History: The Tesson Family - Life and Death on the Water

Frank H. Tesson, was a veteran boat pilot and captain during the heyday of steam boating on the Mississippi River. Frank B. Tesson met his death on distant seas in one of the most well-known disasters of the 20th century.
(written by Jeff Rand, retired Adult Services librarian) La Crosse Tribune 7 May 1915 One hundred and nine years ago, this is the front page that La Crosse residents s…

Neighbors Making History: Lorraine DeWood, aka "La Tirana"

Lorraine DeWood, 1940s singer-entertainer who gained notoriety for her connection to a love-triangle murder in Cuba, was born into La Crosse’s Syrian-American community in 1920.
(written by Jeff Rand, retired Adult Services librarian) Lorraine DeWood was born into La Crosse’s Syrian-American community in 1920. After leaving La Crosse as a child, the be…

Neighbors Making History: Charles M. Horton - Bridge Builder

Charles M. Horton lived in La Crosse at the turn of the 20th century, and he left behind some unique historical artifacts on the landscape of La Crosse County.
(written by Jeff Rand, retired Adult Services librarian) On July 23, 1915, some men employed by a local farmer were cutting wooden poles along the bank of the Flatrock River, j…

Neighbors Making History: Ford Sterling, "La Crosse's Movie Star"

In the years just before World War I, Ford Sterling was starting an almost 25-year career that would lead him to appearing in almost 300 Hollywood movies, largely by working for every major Hollywood studio from 1920 to 1930.
 (written by Jeff Rand, retired Adult Services librarian) In the years just before World War I, Ford Sterling, born George Franklin Stich in La Crosse, Wisconsin, was starting …

Neighbors Making History: Vincent Schwarz - Klondike Fever

Vincent Schwarz, a middle-aged used furniture dealer from La Crosse, journeyed to the end of the rainbow seeking a pot of gold.
(written by Jeff Rand, retired Adult Services librarian) When one hears the word “Klondike” now, the first thing that probably comes to mind, especially at this time of year, i…

Neighbors Making History: Mary Eckel Ruplin - La Crosse's First Born?

Mary Eckel Ruplin’s story, and the story of the actual (we think) first child born in La Crosse, is a complicated tale involving two pioneer families in La Crosse history.
(written by Jeff Rand, retired Adult Services librarian) When Mary Eckel Ruplin died in November 1945, the page 1 headline for the story read: “Mrs. Mary Ruplin, First White Gi…

Neighbors Making History: Stanislaus Mateske

The October 21, 1945, edition of the La Crosse Tribune marked the passing of a La Crosse man and entrepreneur who had overcome both his immigrant roots and great personal hardship on his way to becoming a successful businessman.
(written by Jeff Rand, retired Adult Services Librarian) On the popular television series Shark Tank, entrepreneurs pitch their products or services to multi-millionaires hopin…

Neighbors Making History: Doris Deane

In the 1920s and 1930s, a young woman, born in La Crosse and an actress in Hollywood, was regularly the object of national attention.
(written by Jeff Rand, Adult Services Librarian) Doris Deane, 1929. Photo courtesy of Los Angeles Public Library There seems to be a never-ending, insatiable appetite…


