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Abortion Access in La Crosse

Before the 1973 U.S. Supreme Court case Roe v. Wade, all abortions were illegal in the state of Wisconsin. But this doesn't mean they weren't performed. So what did this look like in La Crosse?
(written and researched by Jaci Bedtka, UWL Public History Intern Fellow) CONTENT WARNING: This article contains descriptions of unsafe abortions and the complications that fol…

The Spite Fence

Pettiness is part of human nature. And sometimes pettiness takes the form of an object or structure that lasts through time. Other times, those structures are destroyed in the night by teenagers looking for justice, and the only place we can find evidence…
(written by Jenny DeRocher and Dave Kranz; research and images compiled by Dave Kranz) Pettiness is part of human nature. And sometimes pettiness takes the form of an object or…

A Viewer's Guide to Dark La Crosse Stories

Over 50 episodes of Dark La Crosse Stories, a collaboration with the La Crosse Tribune, have been produced since 2019.
What is Dark La Crosse? Dark La Crosse is a suite of programs that look at the seedier side of La Crosse history. The program started as a walking tour, and quickly became a var…

Brooks' Bloodhounds

George Brooks (1897-1978) was a La Crosse resident who had two jobs: 1) serving ice cream and soda at the Bodega Lunch Club, and 2) training bloodhounds for police investigations.
(Written by Jenny DeRocher, Archives staff) George Brooks (1897-1978) was a La Crosse resident who had two jobs:  1) serving ice cream and soda at the Bodega Lunch Club, …


