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Sundown Towns and La Crosse

Have you wondered about La Crosse’s 2016 sundown town designation? This blog guides you through the primary sources that provide evidence for local anti-Black discrimination, and the original research that led to the proclamation that La Crosse is a sundo…
(written by Jenny DeRocher, Archives staff) CONTENT WARNING: This blog post contains primary source images that use anti-Black language.  In 2016, Mayor Tim Kabat si…

Looking Back (2019)

A look back at the stories we told in 2019.
Archives staff/interns put together a lot of great blog posts in 2019; please take a moment to check out these local history topics explored by clicking on the blog titles or phot…

A Tribute to Dr. Bruce Mouser

When Dr. Bruce Mouser retired from teaching at UWL in 1996, he got serious about doing more extensive research on the African American community history in La Crosse.
(written by Anita Taylor Doering, Archives Staff) Although Dr. Bruce Mouser was an active UWL faculty member when I arrived in La Crosse in the role of archivist in 1989, I rea…


