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Looking Back (2019)

A look back at the stories we told in 2019.
Archives staff/interns put together a lot of great blog posts in 2019; please take a moment to check out these local history topics explored by clicking on the blog titles or phot…

"Billie Button" and the Wisconsin Pearl Button Company

The Wisconsin Pearl Button Company first opened in 1900 and quickly became one of the largest employers in La Crosse, employing nearly 225 people in 1902.
(written by Johnathon Jaeger, Archives intern) The logo for “The Story of My Life by ‘Billie Button.’” Scan is courtesy of the UWL Murphy Library Special Collections & Are…

The Perfect Storm: Armistice Day 1940

Some bad weather days live on in infamy. Such is the case with the Nov. 11, 1940, Armistice Day storm, often referred to as “The Day the Duck Hunters Died.”
(written by Carla Swerman, Archives staff) History does repeat itself!  It is equally true that Mother Nature can be fickle.  Amidst glorious days of sunshine and warmth, she p…

High Waters in '65

The 145-year-old river gauge measured its highest elevation on April 21, 1965: 17.9 feet!
(written by Carla Swerman, Archives staff) The past three summers, water levels have been high on area waterways.  With the Mississippi River in La Crosse hovering around 10 fee…

Reading the River

While the technology for reading the Mississippi River’s water levels has advanced over time, the equipment itself has stood at almost the very same spot for 145 years.
(written by Carla Swerman, Archives staff) “Few things in life stay the same.” How true! Yet, something that has defied change for 145 years is the river gauge at the south end o…


