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Looking Back ('17) - Looking Ahead ('18)

A look back at the stories we told in 2017, and a look ahead at the programs planned for 2018.
(written by Scott Brouwer, Archives staff) Archives staff put together alot of great blog posts in 2017, so before looking ahead to the 2018 program schedule, please take a mom…

Emma Cameron - Toast of the Northwest or Femme Fatale?

The first marriage in the young community of Prairie La Crosse occurred in 1846 between Peter and a woman who was called “the toast of the Northwest,” the beautiful Emma (Eastman) Kellogg Van Sickle Cunningham.
(written by Anita Taylor Doering, Archives Staff) Peter Cameron was an early settler in La Crosse arriving in 1843 just a year following Nathan Myrick’s arrival. He was of Yank…


