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Historic Mueller Buildings Destroyed by Fire

Our community is grieving the loss of two historic buildings in downtown La Crosse from a devastating fire last month
(written by Anita Taylor Doering, Archives staff) Mueller buildings, 300 block of South 4th Street, on fire 28 April 2022.  Photo taken by Don Murphy Our community is …

Digging into the Past - The LPL Archives Celebrates 40 Years of Service

Almost 100 years after the La Crosse Public Library opened its doors in November 1888, the Archives and Local History program began to serve the public in December of 1980.
(written by Anita Taylor Doering, Archives Staff)   The original Archives reading room, 1988   Almost 100 years after the La Crosse Public Library opened its doors i…

Unconditional Gifts of Time, Talents & Treasures

Since its beginning in 1980, the La Crosse Public Library Archives (LPLA) has relied on the generous donation of time, talents and treasures from the public and other cultural resource institutions to become the local history resource that it is today.
(written by Anita Taylor Doering, Archives Staff) Heroes come in all shapes, sizes and colors, and often appear from unlikely places. Since its beginning in 1980, the La Cro…

Letters Home from World War I

Earlier this fall, the La Crosse Public Library Archives staff found over 60 pages of letters that Sergeant Roy Vingers sent home to his family during his time in service.
(written by Jenny DeRocher, Archives staff) Sergeant Roy L. Vingers, of Company B of the 128th Regiment Infantry (64th Infantry Brigade), was one of the first WWI casualties fr…

A Scrapbook for your Community

Consider donating to the La Crosse Public Library Archives
(written by Cate Putirskis, Archives Staff) Whether in digital or hard copy, we all like to have our important family photographs stored in a safe, readily accessible place…


