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Footsteps of La Crosse Fall 2018 walking and bus tours

Join the La Crosse Public Library Archives for a series of tours highlighting historic and architecturally significant residences and buildings in La Crosse.
(written by Scott Brouwer, Archives staff) Join the La Crosse Public Library Archives for a series of tours highlighting historic and architecturally significant residences and …

Looking Back ('17) - Looking Ahead ('18)

A look back at the stories we told in 2017, and a look ahead at the programs planned for 2018.
(written by Scott Brouwer, Archives staff) Archives staff put together alot of great blog posts in 2017, so before looking ahead to the 2018 program schedule, please take a mom…

Where was the First Shopping Center in La Crosse?

With the unprecedented explosion of young families in La Crosse following World War II, Clarence B. Smith envisioned growth and planned the first shopping center.
(written by Anita Taylor Doering, Archives Staff) After World War II ended and the baby boomer generation began, Clarence B. Smith envisioned growth and planned the first shoppi…


