Families & Individuals
This list includes archival materials only; to find published material, such as books, use the radio button at the upper right corner for "catalog" and then enter your search term(s). For example, select the radio button, then type in "Lytle family" in the search box and hit the enter key.
- Ahrens (John Henry) Autobiographical Sketch
- [Anderson] Invitation to Wedding Reception for Mary Anderson and Charles Bunn
- Autograph Book
- [Balzer] Mary Maple Genealogies of Balzer and Bishop Families
- Benton Family Photograph Album
- [Benton] Photograph Album of Benton and Dalton Families
- Bott (Helen G. [Poehling]) Photograph Album
- Bowles Family Genealogical Chart
- Brasda (Mabel Markey) Papers
- [Bratberg] "Pioneer Days of A.H. Bratferg [Andrew H. Bratberg]"by Sylvan Lee
- Brooks (George) Papers
- [Cameron] Biographical Information on Peter and Emma Cameron as Compiled by the Fay Family and Myer Katz
- Cameron Family Correspondence
- Cameron (James Herbert Jr.) Family Genealogical Information
- Chojnacki (Leonard R.) Papers
- Colman Family Papers
- Colman Family Scrapbook
- Colvin (Howard W.) Diary and Photographs
- Cookbook of La Crosse, Wisconsin Resident
- Cronon (Edward C. and Anna A. Mellor) Family Photograph Collection
- [Disbrow] Newspaper Clippings Relating to the Marriage of Lillie Robinson and William Disbrow, 1878 May
- Doering (Thomas) Family Photographs
- Dorset Family Papers
- [Dorset] Milwaukee Auction Galleries Present at Public Auction Personal Property from Estate of Helen Dorset and Family Possessions as Found in the Colwell-Dorset Home, 330 S. 6th Street, La Crosse
- [Dvirnak] Edward Brian Green Nomination of Alick Dvirnak to the North Dakota Cowboy Hall of Fame
- Elliott (John A.) Personal Check Stubs
- [Esch] John J. Esch Translation of "Biography of Henry Esch" from Der Christliche Botschafter
- Fay (William N.) Diary
- [Flury and McMillan] "The Stone Cellar in Hixon Forest, and the Flury and McMillan Families," by Patrick Wilson
- Frazee (Oren Ernest) Papers
- Gantert Family Papers
- Gelatt (Charles Daniel) Family Remembrances by Robert Gelatt
- [Ghelfi] Kathy Ghelfi Family Scrapbook
- Goddard Family Genealogy
- Goddard (John Henry) Journal
- Goodland (Walter Samuel) Family Genealogical Information
- Gordon (Getrude Salzer) Family Papers
- [Green] Marilyn Madden Genealogical Information on Henry Green(e) and Thomas L. Vought Families
- [Greenwood] Frederick and Marcellus Greenwood Family Papers
- [Gundersen] Family Translated Letters - First Installment, 1894-1939
- [Gundersen] Rolv K. Slungaard Translated Typescript of Adolf Gundersen Diary, 1894-1895
- Haberman (George) Family Photographs
- Hanscome (Annie M.) Papers
- Harnisch Family Genealogical Information
- Haydon (Julie) Papers
- Hayek (Helene Erickson) Papers
- Heileman Family History as Compiled by Karen Desmond
- Herlitzka (Frank) Composition Book
- Hill (Irene Forbes) Photograph Album
- [Hixon] Rolf S. Rynning Correspondence with Joseph Hixon and Charles P. Crosby Regarding John and Ely Hixon
- Hoeft (Thomas J.) Family Photographs and Papers
- Holst (Henry R.) Oral History
- Holzer (Debi) Photographs
- [Home Furnishings] Price Lists for Home Furnishings
- Howard-Martindale Family Genealogical Chart
- Huebsch (Frank) Letter
- Jahnel (Joseph F. Jr.) Papers
- [Jandt] Jerry Austin Collection of Jandt/Yandt Family, Salzwedel Family, Affeldt Family, and Walter Family Papers
- Jones (Eva May) Photograph Album
- Joseph (George A.) Photographs
- Kokolsky (Philip) Composition Book
- Krajewski Family Papers
- Kulcinski Family History compiled by Eleanor Hass and Michelle Jakel
- La Crescent: A History of its Frontiersmen
- [Langdon] John and Ann Langdon Family Photograph Album
- Larson (Julia M.) Diary
- Ledger of La Crosse, Wisconsin Resident
- Ledogar/Ledegar Family Genealogical Charts
- Leveraas (Ole) Papers
- [Lien] Correspondence Received by Christian Lien
- Losey (Joseph W.) Certificates
- Marcou (David J.) Papers [MSS 075]
- Martindale (Stephen) Letter to Daniel Roberts
- May (Tobias and Louisa) Family Records
- [McConville] Booklet of Letters in Honor of Hannah McConville
- Meir Family History
- Merrick (W. H.) Letter to L. C. Curtis Concerning a Marriage Proposal to Curtis' Sister
- Mielke (Marie Louise Vilhemina Root and Elizabeth "Betty" Louise) Related Papers
- Molstad (Lyle C.) Photographs and Slides
- Murphy (William) Naturalization Papers
- [Nelson] "Memories of My Home and My Father the Way I Remember Him" Typescript as Written by Annie Nelson Hansen
- [Newburg] Michael Newburg Collection of Materials on the History of the Alois Newburg Family of La Crosse County, Wisconsin
- Nichols (Mrs. George King) Scrapbook of the Nichols, Averill and Van Steenwyk Families
- Nicolai (William) Papers
- Otten (Dr. John S.) and Florence Correspondence and Photographs
- Passenger List from Stavangerfjord Steamship
- Perkins (Hattie Swinburne) Photograph Album
- Pettibone Family Biographical Information
- [Pfund] Conrad Pfund: Swiss-American Lutheran Educator
- [Pruett] Mary Ann Laun Genealogical Information on Pruett Family
- [Rasmussen] Alfred T. and Mary Rasmussen Wedding Anniversary Scrapbooks
- [Rehfuss] John and Virginia (Jennie) Oesgher Rehfuss Family Papers
- Reinhard (Charles) Correspondence
- [Rentz] "An Emigrant's Voyage" Translated Typescript Concerning the Emigration of Michael Rentz
- Robb (Edward G.) Recollections of Gays Mills and Prairie du Chien
- Roberge Family Historical Notes
- [Roesler] Autobiographical Sketch of Martin Roesler
- [Sacia] "Sacia History", a biographical sketch of Harmon Van Slyke Sacia and Cordelia Sophia Packard Sacia
- Salzer Summer Home Scrapbooks
- Saxer Family Genealogical Information
- [Schroeder] Ken Jenkerson Transcriptions Of Leo Schroeder Diary, 1896-1899
- [Schultz] Robert M. and Gladys (Reck) Schultz Family Photographs
- [Sedevie] Josephine Sedevie "Memories" Autobiographical Booklet
- [Settlers] Listing of Black Settlers: La Crosse, Wisconsin
- Sorenson (Bertha Heibo) Reminiscences
- Sprain (Russell E.) Family Photographs
- Stellpflug Family Photographs
- Stetzer (Margaret M. [Hart]) Photograph Albums
- Stoddard Family Correspondence
- [Stoen] "Pioneer Days of Barre [Borre] Stoen" by Melvina Casberg
- [Storandt] "Payoff Time," by Jim Storandt
- Strauss (Friedrich L.) Papers
- Stroeh Family and Unnasch Family Papers
- [Sullivan] School Composition Book of Orabell Sullivan
- Svec (Alice) Papers
- Swain Family Photograph Album
- Tabbert (Edward I.) Papers
- The Tausche Family
- Taylor (S. W.) Letter
- [Trane] The Trane Tea Room: 7th & King Streets: La Crosse, Wisconsin
- Tulloch Family Papers
- Van Steenwyk Family Papers
- [Verchota] Photograph Album of Verchota and Fuchsteiner Families
- Vis Family Papers
- Voigt (Bob) Papers
- Wakeen (Deb) Photographs
- Washburn Family Correspondence
- Washburn Family Genealogy
- Wehrer (John) Papers
- Westerhuis/Westerhouse Family Papers
- Wheeler (Allie) Photograph Album
- Whipple (Clarence) Record of Earnings and Diary
- Wiley (Guilford M.) Papers
- Witzke (August) Cemetery Deed from Oak Grove Cemetery Association