West Avenue & Market Street
West Avenue South and Market Street looking south, 1970
In this photograph, West Avenue South is a two-lane street with on-street parking on either side. The Dixie Cream Donut Shop on the southwest corner was a fixture in the community, along with many of the elm trees on both sides of the street. In 1970, traffic lights were present at the intersection.
West Avenue South and Market Street looking south, 2003
This intersection went through tremendous change since 1970. The donut shop is no longer in existence, having been replaced by a parking lot. The elm trees that once lined the street are also gone. St. Francis Hospital (now a part of Mayo Clinic) has been added onto many times, and construction is underway in this photograph for the new Center for Advanced Medicine and Surgery Building. West Avenue South is a four-lane street with left-turn lanes for east/west access onto Market Street.
Market Steet and West Avenue South, looking east, 1970
Market Street was a two lane street with on-street parking on either side in 1970.
Market and West Avenue South Street, looking east, 2003
In this 2003 photograph, Market Street is still a two lane street, but has left-and-right turn lanes in addition to the through lane (center lane in the photograph). By 1980, the donut shop building was torn down and became a parking lot for Franciscan Skemp Healthcare. The houses on the east corners of the intersection were still residences in 2003.
Market and West Avenue South Street, looking west, 1970
In this photograph, Market Street was a two-lane street with no left turn lane. The building visible on the left side (southwest corner) was the Dixie Cream Donut Shop. St. John's Reformed Church, constructed in 1925, stood on the northwest corner (right side). The skyway over Market St. was built by St. Francis Hospital originally in 1912, despite protests from city officials who feared it would not be compatible with the city's electric street car system.
Market and West Avenue South Street, looking west, 2003
Left-turn lanes on Market Street improve traffic flow. St. John's Reformed Church on the right is more visible without any trees. St. Francis Hospital has become part of the Mayo Health Care network.