Losey Boulevard & Mormon Coulee Road
Losey Boulevard South and Mormon Coulee Road looking south, 1970
This photo shows how the south side of the city looked in July 1970. It was a three-way intersection with no traffic lights. Major urban developments had not occurred, and the land was used for farming. Losey Boulevard was a four-lane street. Holy Cross Seminary, completed in 1951 at 3710 East Ave. South, was visible in the background.
Losey Boulevard South and Mormon Coulee Road looking south, 2003
This 2003 photograph of the Mormon Coulee Road and Losey Boulevard intersection is a rectified four-way intersection with fully functional four-way traffic lights and left-turn lanes at all stops. Tremendous development has occurred in the south side of the city, including retail and industry. The Riverview Shopping Center was built in 1979-1980 at this intersection, and was home to the National Food Store for one year. The Seminary (no longer in view) is home to the Holy Cross Diocesan Center.
Mormon Coulee Road and Losey Boulevard South looking northwest, 1970
Losey Boulevard and Mormon Coulee Road marked the southeastern most edge of the city, and little development had occurred in this area by 1970. Just behind this group of trees was a barely visible Elm Grove School. This brick two-room school with full basement served the town of Shelby District #4. It was constructed in 1938 and used as a school until 1967, and then as a day care center until 1975.
Mormon Coulee Road and Losey Boulevard South looking northwest, 2003
The 2003 photo of the intersection of Mormon Coulee Road and Losey Boulevard shows the concrete median dividing Mormon Coulee Road, as well as traffic signals. Left and right-turn lanes have been added to improve traffic flow. The former Elm Grove School building was torn down in 1975 to make way for the Sirloin Stockade Restaurant which operated at this site until 1988. Washboard Blues Laundry & Dry Cleaning business was the occupant of this building in 2003.
Mormon Coulee Road and Losey Boulevard South looking southeast, 1970
This 1970 photograph shows the undeveloped area to the west of Mormon Coulee Road, which was outside the city limits at that time. Some of the earliest farming pioneers first settled near the Mormon Creek, including a band of the Mormon faith in the early 1840s.
Mormon Coulee Road and Losey Boulevard South looking southeast, 2003
This picture depicts the addition of left and right turn lanes and the traffic lights at this intersection. Notice also the growth of urban development along Mormon Coulee Road.