Genealogy Database
Archives Department Genealogy Database
A searchable index of citations for articles that appeared in La Crosse newspapers. Currently, the index includes:
- Obituaries (1904-1979; 1983-2016)
- Births (search by parents’ names, 1987-2015)
- Marriages (1987-2015)
- Divorces (1992-2015)
- La Crosse County Cemeteries
Search Tips
Use the * sign to truncate your search. For example, Hans*n if you're not sure if the spelling is Hanson or Hansen.
Note: The cemetery results cannot be limited by gender. The La Crosse Area Genealogical Society has provided the data in this index, mainly from tombstone data in the field ranging from 1976 to 2000. There are some photographs of La Crosse cemetery gravestones on Find-A-Grave as well as the La Crosse Area Genealogical Society website.