Architecture, Buildings & Neighborhoods
Named Streets
- [Adams Street] Property Abstract for 1411 Adams Street, La Crosse, Wisconsin
- [Cass Street] John G. Felton, Sr., Papers, related to 2607 Cass Street, La Crosse, Wisconsin
- [Edgewood Place] Materials Related to the Construction of 2546 Edgewood Place, La Crosse, Wisconsin
- [Ferry Street] Title Abstracts for 612 Ferry Street, La Crosse, Wisconsin
- [Jackson Street] Materials Related to 1626 Jackson Street, La Crosse, Wisconsin
- [King Street] John Toland and Hayden Hauser correspondence on 1402 King Street, La Crosse, Wisconsin
- [King Street] Scott Lind Drawing of Floorplan for 1105 King Street, La Crosse, Wisconsin
- [Liberty Street] Title Abstract of 1124 Liberty Street, La Crosse, Wisconsin
- [Loomis Street] Warranty Deed for 1639 Loomis Street, La Crosse, Wisconsin
- [Rose Street] Property Abstract of 933 Rose Street, La Crosse, Wisconsin
- [West Avenue] Architects' Specifications for 110 West Avenue South, La Crosse, Wisconsin
Numbered Streets
- [Additions] Assessor's Plat Book of Additions to the City of La Crosse, Wisconsin
- Bentley, Merman, and Skogstad Architectural Drawings
- [Burlington Northern Depot] Myer Katz Letter to Robert Bruegmann Concerning the History of the Burlington Northern Depot at 2nd and Pearl Streets, La Crosse, Wisconsin
- [Cargill Grain Elevator] John Zoerb Photographs of the Cargill Grain Elevator Destruction (La Crosse, Wisconsin)
- Central City Committee (La Crosse, Wisconsin), Preferences for Action in Downtown La Crosse Subcommittee Report
- [Christ Church Memorial Home for the Aged] Architectural Drawing for Proposed Christ Church Memorial Home for the Aged, La Crosse, Wisconsin
- [Colonial Golf Course] Property Abstract and Title for Colonial Golf Course, La Crosse, Wisconsin
- Downtown La Crosse Visual Analysis Slides
- [Durand and Hills Addition] Abstract of Title for the Durand and Hills Addition to the City of La Crosse
- Edland (Carole F.) Papers